A first in New Zealand, as far as we know for a dance club to use an electronic key tag system to identify yourself and gain access to classes. The electronic key tag system is part of the Ceroc Events Management System (CEMS for short) which helps manages a dancers concessions use and runs the administration side of a Ceroc Dance class.

Your key tag provides you with the following benefits:

  • Quick & convenient class registration access!
  • A variety of class concessions & memberships are available to purchase or you can just pay as you go. Registration is still fast as your name will be recorded by scanning the key tag so no need to sign in anymore.
  • Recording of your name is accurate and private, no need to give your name.
  • You receive a stylish, compact & robust key tag.
  • Easy to carry & hard to loose. Fasten the key tag to your car / house keys, handbag, phone, almost anything that you carry on you.
  • No more fumbling around for worn, or ripped paper cards.
  • Should you loose your keys or item that has the key tag attached, there is a chance that who ever finds it could contact Ceroc Dance NZ and hand the lost property over, in turn Ceroc Dance NZ can scan the key tag and contact the owner.
  • If you do loose you key tag, that is all you loose as the concessions loaded on the key tag will still be in the CEMS system waiting to be used. We will reissue you with a new key tag and assign your concessions to your new key tag.

It’s as easy as 1-2-3!

Use your key tag to identify yourself at the front desk. Here’s how…

Step 1. Scan your key tag by pressing the tag against the “TAG HERE” logo on the back of the CEMS tablet found at the front desk, and wait for the beep.

Step 2. If you have class concessions, then walk straight in. Or the studio manger will advise that payment is required, so top up your key tag before going into class. Eftpos is available for your convenience or you can direct
credit payment into our bank account.

Step 3. Start dancing!